Professor Emeritus:Mohamed Mamdouh Abdel-Aziz
Electrical Power and Machines
Email : | |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (1970) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1972) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (1975) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Solar Energy |
| Contact Resistance |
Recent Publications : |
| -2008-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, D. Khalil, and M. Awad, “Transmission Lines Differential Protection based on Energy Conversion Law, Will be published in Electric Power System Research (2008). |
| -2008-M.B. Eteiba, M.M. Abdel Aziz and J.H. Shazly, “Heat Conduction Problems in SF6 Gas Cooled Insulated Power Transformers Solved by Finite Element Method” IEEE-Transaction on Power Delivery, will be published in July 2008. |
| -2008-A.B. Othman, M.M. Abdel Aziz and H.K. Yossif “Prevention of Sympathetic Tripping Phenomena on Power System by Fault Level Management” IEEE-T/D Conf. Chicago USA. April 2008. |
| -2008-A. Eisa, M.M Abdel Aziz, H.K. Youssef, “New Notions Suggested to Power Theory Development Part 1: Analytical Derivation”, IEEE-General Meeting Pensilvania USA 20-24 July 2008. |
| -2008-A. Eisa, M.M Abdel Aziz, H.K. Youssef, “New Notions Suggested to Power Theory Development Part 2: Analytical Derivation”, IEEE-General Meeting Pensilvania USA 20-24 July 2008. |
| -2007-M.B. Eteiba, M.M. Abdel Aziz and J.H. Shazly “Analysis of steady state Heat Transfer of Compressed Gas Cooled-Insulated Power Transformer Using Finite Element Technique”, International Journal of Heat and Technology Vol. (25,m,1 June 2007) paper no. 19. |
| -2007-Tamer Mohamed Khalil, Hosam K.M. Youssef, M.M Abdel Aziz, “Optional Capacitor Placement on Radial Distribution Feeders in Presence of Nonlinear Loads Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization”, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Vienna, 21-24, May 2007. |
| -2007-A.B. Othman, M.M. Abdel Aziz and H.K. Yossif “Prevention of Sympathetic Tripping Phenomena on Power System by Fault Level Management”, GCC, Cigree, GCC Power 2007, Nov. 2007 Dubai-Unite Arab Emirates. Pp. 323-344, Session 4. |
| -2007-A.H. Bescheer, H.M. Emara, and M.M. Adel Aziz, “Fuzzy based output Feedback H ¥ Control for Uncertain Non linear Systems An LMI Approach”, IEE. Control theory Application 2007: 1(4), pp. 1176-1185 (Formerly IEE – proceeding Control Theory & Applications). |
| -2006-M.M. Abdel Aziz, El-Sayed Tag El. Din, Doaa Khalil and M. Gilany, “A phasor Based Double Ended Fault Location Scheme for Aged Power Cables” Electric Power Components and Systems 34, pp. 417-432, 2006. |
| -2006-M.B. Eteiba, M.M. Abdel Aziz and J.H. Shazly, “Steady State Heat Transfer in a SF6 Gas Cooled Insulated Power Transformer Using Finite Element Technique”, The International Middle East Power Systems Conf. MEPCON, Dec. 2006, Egypt. |
| -2006-Ayman A. Eisa, M.M Abdel Aziz, and Hosam K.M. Youssef, “New Nations Suggested to Power Theory Development Based on the RMS Values of the Instantaneous Power Comonents”, Proceedings of the 11th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2006), 19-21 December 2006, EL-Minia, Egypt. |
| -2006-Tamer Mohamed Khalil, Hosam K.M. Youssef and M.M. Abdel Aziz, “A Binary particle swarm optimization for optimal placement and sizng of capacitor banks in radial distribution feeders will distorted substation voltages”, Proceedings of the 5th ICEENG Conference, 16-18 May, 2006, Egypt, pp. 1-9 and in Proceedings of AIML 06 International Conference, 13-15 June 2006, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. |
| -2006-M.M.Abdel Aziz, E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, D.I.Khalil, "An Accurate Double Ended Fault Location Scheme for Aged Power Lines", Accepted for Future Publication in the International Journal of Electrical Power Components and Systems, USA, V 01. 34, No. 4, April 2006, Paper ID 6852. |
| -2006-M.I.Gilany, E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I. Gilany and M.M.Abdel Aziz, " Fault Location Scheme for Combined Overhead Line with Underground Power Cable ", Accepted for Future Publication in the International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, 78 (2006) 928-935. |
| -2006-E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, D.I.Khalil, "Travelling Wave-Based Fault Location Scheme For Multi-End Aged Underground Cable System Using Post Voltage Data", accepted for fure publication in the International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Paper No. 203-3843. |
| -2006-M.M Abdel Aziz, M. Sahdoon, " Prediction and Elimination of Hot Spots for Cable Crossing Thermally Unfavorable Regions Based on the Analytical Method Wich have been Used with System of two Crossing Cables- Full Paper Acceptance for Presentation at Forth International Libian Conf. of Elec. And Electronics Engineeris 20-23 March 2006 Trablos-Libia 37-53. |
| -2006-A.F. Zobaa, M. I Gilany, and M.M. Abdel Aziz, "The impact of shunt compensation on total harmonic distortion ", Interational Journal of Power & Energy Systems, vol. 26, no. 1. January 2006, p.p. 89-96. |
| -2006-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, A. M. Ibrahim, and A.M.Abdel Monem, "Effect of time variation of system impedance and voltage harmonics on LC compensation for nonlinear loads", IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Application, vol. 153, no. 4. July 2006, p.p.619-624. |
| -2006-M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou EI-Zahab, A.F. Zobaa, and D.M. Khorshied " Passive harmonic filters design using Fortran feasible sequential quadratic programming" approved for publication in Electric , power Systems Research Journal. Paper ID : EPSR - D -05-00212 (2006). |
| -2006-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, and A.A. Hosni, "Neural network controlled shunt active filter for non linear loads," The eleventh international middle east power Systems conference, MEPCON 2006, EI-Minia, Egypt. December 19-122006 |
| -2006-M.M.Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, and H.A. EI-Sherbiny, "Customer generated harmonic compensation using shunt active power filters," The eleventh international middle east power systems conference, MEPCON" 2006 . El-Mini a, Egypt. December 19-122006. |
| -2006-S. Wahsh, Y. Ahmed, and M.M. Abd El Aziz, “Fuzzy Logic Control of Direct Torque Control PMSW Drives Using Space Vector Technique. IEEE, SCIS & ISIS 2006, Tokyo Japan, Sept. 20-24, 2006, pp. 766-771. |
| -2006-A.H. Bescheer, H.M. Emara, and M.M. Adel Aziz, “Fuzzy based output Feedback H ¥ Control for Uncertain Non linear Systems An LMI Approach”, IEEE-2006 0 1-4244-0136, pp. 424-429. |
| -2006-A.H. Besheer, H.M. Emara and M.M Abdel Aziz, “An LMI Approach to Fuzzy Pole Cluster for Regulating Wind Energy Conversion System, IEEE-2006-1-4244-0136, pp. 4367-4372. |
| -2005-E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "A Travelling Wave-Based Fault Location Scheme for Aged Power Cable",Proceedings of the IEE ne", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2005. |
| -2005-M.I.Gilany, E.M.Tag Eldin, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "A PMUBased Fault Location Scheme for Combined Overhead Line With Underground Power Cable", Proceedings of the IEE International Conference on Reliability of Transmission and Distribution Networks, UK, Feb.2005 |
| -2005-M.I.Gilany E.M.Tag Eldin, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "An Accurate Scheme for Fault Location in Combined Overhead Lines with Underground Power Cable", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Fransisco, June 2005. |
| -2005-E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "A PMU Double Ended Fault Location Scheme for Aged Power Cables", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Fransisco, June 2005. |
| -2005-E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "A WaveletBased Fault Location technique for Aged Power Cables", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Fransisco, June 2005. |
| -2005-M.E. Mohamed, H.K.M. Yossef and M.M. Abdel Aziz, “Genetic Based Thermal Charge Simulation Tehcnique”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 52, No.5, Oct. 2005, pp. 1019-1034, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt. |
| -2005-M.M Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou EI-Zahab and A.F. Zobaa LC Compensation for Nonlinear Sloads taking into Acount cost Constrains. Electric Power Components and Systems Vol.33 No.6, 2005. PP.929640. |
| -2005-S. Wahsh, Y. Ahmed, M.M Abdel Aziz, Implementation of Direct Tarque Control in Permanent Magmet Synchromous Motel" Drives. Proceeding of ICCES, 05, 1-10 Dec. 2005India PP. 3419-3424 |
| -2005-M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou EI- Zahab and A.F. Zobaa LC Compensation for Nonlinear Loads taking into Acount cost constrains. Electric power components and Systems vol.33 No.6, 2005 PP. 629-640 |
| -2005-M.M Abdel Aziz, A.M. Ibrahim and A.F. Abdel Aziz, Monitoring of Fuse, C.B, and Busbars Using PLC. Al-Azhar Univ. Engineering Journal vol1.8,No. 11, July 2005, PP 425-439 |
| -2005-M.A. Abdel-Halim, M.M Abdel Aziz, and H.G. Mustafa, Performance of pr id Connected Induecation Generator Using A.C Chapter, Port-Said Engineering Research Journal ISSN 1110-6603 |
| -2005-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and G. Abdel Salam Survey of Power Quality Problems in Industrial Zones in EGYPT. Accepted for Presentation at CERID 2005 |
| -2005-M.I.Gilany, E.M.Tag Eldin, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "Travelling Wave-Based Fault Location Scheme for Aged Underground Cable Combined with Overhead Line", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vo1. 2, No.2, April 2005. |
| -2005-E.M.Tag Eldin, M.I.Gilany, M.M.Abdel Aziz, D.I.Khalil, "An Accurate Fault Location Scheme for Connected Aged Cable Lines in double fed systems", Accepted for Future Publication in the International Journal of Electrical Engineering (Archiv Elektrotechnik). |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and G. Abdel Salam Cost and Migtigation of Voltage sag for industrial Plants. IEEE-ICEEC 2004 Sep. 2004 Ain Shams Univ. EGYPT. Pp. 869-871 |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and G. Abdel Salam Cost of Harmanic Power Loss in Industrial Plant-Cuse Study the 8th EI-Azhar International Con. Dec. 2004, Cairo EGYPT |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Amr Adly, H. Husin Deducing Local ELF Field Values From Large Sense Coil Fluxmeter Meusurements. Proc. ICEEC 04 the IEEE International Cont. On Elec., Electronics, and Computer Engineering Cairo EGYPT Sep. 2004 pp.897-900 |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Amr Adly, H. Husin Design and Construction of Low Cost Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for B-H. Curve Interface. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science. V 01. 51. No.1 Feb. 2004, pp.99-117 , Faculty of Eng. Cairo Univ. |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Le Compansators Based on Transmission loss Minimization for Nonlinear Load IEEE- Transaction on Power Delivery Vo1. 19 Oct.2004 pp. 1740-1745. |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, A.M. Ibrahim, and A.M.Abdel Monem "Effect of time Variation of System Impedance and Voltage Harmonics on LC Compensation for Nonlinear Loads," 11th International Conference Conference on Harmonics and quality of Power, ICHQP" 04 Lake Placid, New Yourk, September 12-15.2004 |
| -2004-M.M Abdel Aziz, E.M. Ahmed and E.M. Eissa Experimental Investigations on the Dust Effect on the PV Modules Performance. World Conf. On Energy for Sustainable Development Technology Advances & Enviromental Issues. Cairo, Egypt Dec. 6-9, 2004. |
| -2004-M.M Abdel Aziz, E .. N. Ahmed and E.M. Eissa Experimental Investigations on the Dust Effect on the PV Modules Perfonnance. World Eonf.on Energy for Sustainable Development Technology Advances & Enviromental Issues. Cairo, Egypt Dec. 6-9, 2004. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou ElZahab, and A.F. Zobaa, "LC Compensators based on Cost Minimization for Nonlinear Loads," 2003 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, LESCOPE"03, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7-9. 2003, pp.143-147. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou El-Zahab, A.M. Ibrahim, and A.F.Zobaa, "Sizing of Capacitors to Optimize, the Power Factor at non Sinusoidal Frequencies, "Electric Power Systems Research, Vo1. 64, Issue 1, January 2003, pp.81-85. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.F. Zobaa, M.M. Abdel Aziz, "Cost Effective Applications of Power Factor Correction for Nonlinear Loads,"Approved for Publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Paper ID: TPWRD-00152 -2003 |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M.Abdel Aziz , and A.F. Zobaa, "The Impact of Shount Compensation on Total Harmonic Distortion, Approved for Publication in International Journal of Power & Energy Systems. Paper ID: 203-3470. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, N. Otaba and others Thermal Model for Compressed Gas Insulated Power Transformers MEPCON 2003 pp. 611-616 |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, N. Otaba and others Steady State Thermal Performance of SF 6 Compressed Gas-Insulated Power Transformer. Accepted for Presentation at XIII th International Symposiom an H.V. Bngineering- Delft- Netherland 25-28 Aug. 2003. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Amr Adly, H. Husin A Low Cost Device for Deducing B- H Curves of Magnetic Materials Proc. 46th IEEEInternational Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Cairo, EGYPT Dec. 2003 pp. 900-902 |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and G. Abdel Salam Cost of Voltage Sag in Distribution Systems, Arab Countries and Energy 15-16 Oct.2003 Helwan Univ. EGYPT pp.88-96. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and G. Abdel Salam New Techniques of Passive Filter Design in Industrial Applications- a case Study, MEPCON 2003 pp 769-780. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Sizing of Capacitor to Optimize the Power Factor at Nonsinusoidal Frequencies. Electric Power Systems Research, V 01 . 64, Issuel, Jan. 2003, pp. 81-85. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and others A rigorous Approach for Reduction of Harmonic Effects in Commercial Building. Accepted Paper for Presentation at IASTED International Conf. On Power and Energy Systems, PES, 2003. Feb. 24-26. 2003, Plam Spring, U.S.A. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and others Steady State Thermal Performance of SF6 Compressed has Insulated Power Transformer. Accepted for Presentation at OIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2003, Delft, Holland. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Effect of Connecting Shount Capacitance on Nonlinear Load Terminal Approved for Publication in IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. Paper no. TPWRD - 00094-2002 . Vo1. 18. oct. 2003 pp 1450-1454. |
| -2003-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Power Factor and Your Electrical Utility Bill in Egypt IEEE-Transaction on Power Delivery V 01. 18. Oct. 2003 pp. 1567-1568 . |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Compansators for Power Factor Correction of Nonlinear Loads. Approved for Puplication in IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. Paper no. TPWRD-OO 165-2002. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Practical Considerations Regarding Power Factor for NonliI1ear Loads. Approved for Puplication in IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. Paper No. TPWRD- 00167 - 2002. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A.R. Fathy Effect of Capacitance Temperature on Harmonics Filter Design. Accepted for Presentation at the 3th International Universities Power Engineering Conf., UPEC 2002, 9-11 Sept, 2002 Stoffordshire University, Beacon side, UK. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. Farahat Factors Affecting the Rotating Electrical Contact Resistance. Ibid. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and Others Advanced Performance Modeling & Simulationon Photovoltaic Arrays Under Shading Effects. Ain Shams Univ. Faculty of Eng. Scientific Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 2, June, 2002, ppAI3-423. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, O.Kalil, M. Gilany High Impedance Fault Detection Uses a Communication-Based Element. Proceeding of the Second International Conf. On Power and Energy Systems, Europes, June 2528, 2002, Creete, Greece, pp. 661-664. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba On the Economic Selection of Capacitive Compensator Size in Non-sinusoidal Conditions. IEEE-Power Engineering Review, V 01, 22, Issue 10, act. 2002, pp. 47-48. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba , Accepted at North American Power Symposium, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A, act. 14-15,2002 . |
| -2002-Skin Effect on Optimal Power Factor. 2002 Larger Engineering M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba Systems Conf. On Power Engineering, LESCOPE 02, Halifax, Canada, June 2002, pp.76-78. |
| -2002-Ibid M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba, Accepted at IASTED-Europes 2002, 25-26 July 2002, Crete, Greece IBID. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba Effect of Terminal Capacitance on the Supply Current Distortion Factor. 2002 Larger Egineering Systems Conf. On Power Engineering , LESCOPE 02, Halifax, Canada, June 2002, pp. 173-177. |
| -2002-Ibid M.M. Abdel Aziz, and E.Aboul Zahab, A.Ibrahim, A. Zoba, Electric Power Systems Reseearch, Vol. 63, Issue 3, act. 2002, pp. 197-201. IBID. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Comparing Capacitive and LC Compensators for Power Factor Correction. 10th International Conf. On Harmonics and Quality of Power, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, act. 6-9,2002 Volil PP. 42-45 |
| -2002-Ibid M.M. Abdel Aziz, Accepted at IEEE- PES/CSEE International Conf. On Power System Technology, Power CON 02, Kumming, China, act. 1317,2002. Paper No. 0132. JBID. |
| -2002-Ibid. M.M. Abdel Aziz, Accepted at North American Power Symposium, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A. act. 14-15,2002. |
| -2002-Ibid M.M. Abdel Aziz, Practical Considerations on Power Factor Correction for Nonlinear load. 10th International Conf. On Harmonics and Quality of Power, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 6-9,2002 .pp. 46-49. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Cost- Constrained Power Factor Optimization for Nonlinear Load. North American Power Symposium, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A. Oct. 14- 15.2002. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou El-Zahab, A.M. Ibrahim, and A.F.Zobaa, "Effect of Terminal Capacitance on the Supply Current Distortion Factor," Electric Power Systems Research, Vo1. 63, Issue 3. October 2002 . pp. 197-201. |
| -2002-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.M. Abdel Aziz, E.E. Abou El-Zahab, A.M. Ibrahim, and A.F.Zobaa, "On the Economic Selection of Capacitive Compensator Sizes in Nonsinusoidal Conditions," IEEE Power Engineering Review, Vo1.22. Issue 10, October 2002, pp. 47-48 |
| -2001-Ibid Two Layers Positions Control System of Manipulator Using feed Forward Control Proceeding of 2001 IEEE Condign Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering May 13-16. 2001 . Toronto. Canada. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. Ebrahim New AI-Cu Bimetallic Cable Junction Proceeding of Abstracts of UPEC 2000 Conference 34th Universities of power Engineering Conference Queen"s University of Belfast, pp. 45. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.Wanas and Wan as Analysis of Current Curring Capacity of Overhead T.L. Using Finite Elements Technique and Lifetime of its Joint, Ibid .ppAO. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. Farahat A New Mathematical Bus for Straight DC Joint Design Proceeding of UPEC 33rd Universities Power Engineering Conference 6-8 Sep. 2000. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A.R. Fathy Effect of hamonics on Electric Contacts Performance and Lifetime, Proceeding of MEPCON 2000 March 28-30, 2000 pp. 642-646. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and Wanas Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Current Carrying Capacity of Overhead Transmission Lines. Proceeding Cairo March 11-13. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and Wanas Thermal Analysis for the connections of the Transmission lines. Ibid. pp. 407-422 . |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and Wanas Study state voltage instability studies under the optimal conditions in a Power System. Accepted Paper for Presentation at AEIC 2000 AI- Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conf. Sep. 1-4, 2000, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -2000-M.M. Abdel Aziz, E. Aboul Zahab, S.Korshed and A. EI-Refay Effect of Combined Velocity and Pressure on Lifetime of Carbon brushes. IEEE-Transaction on Energy Conversion June 2000 Vol. 15, No. 2. pp. 176-180. |
| -1999-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M. Otiba and others Investigation and Mitigation of Harmonics form Electric Arc Furnaces. Proceeding of 1999 IEEE Canadian Conf. Electrical & Computer Engineering, May 9-12, 1999, pp. 1126-1131. |
| -1997-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. Kasem A New digital technique for power cables diffemtial protection. Proceeding of MEPCON 97 Jan 4-6, 1997 pp. 525-529. |
| -1997-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M. Wanas and Manar Effect of the Environmental Conditions on the Thermal Rating of ACSR Conductors, Proceeding of AEIC 97 Al-Azhar Engineering Fifth international Conf. Dec. 19-22, 1997, pp. 20-31 |
| -1997-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and others Simulation and Analysis of Hybrid systems using probabilistic Techniques. Proceeding of Power Conversion Conf. Nagaoka Japan 1997 pp 831-835. Vol. II . |
| -1996-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Ebrahim Effect of coating materials on the Electrical performance of copper joints proceeding of MEPCON 96 Jan 3-5, 1996 pp. 413-417. |
| -1996-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. Farahat Effect of contact resistance n the current distribution of short cables IBID. |
| -1994-M.M. Abdel Aziz, H. Kamal Time Variant Thermal Performance of High Current High Voltage Insulation in Power Systems. Proceedings of Second International Conf. On Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP-94, VolA pp. 275-290 Faculty of of Engineering, Cairo University. |
| -1994-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Ebrahim The effect of the electric contact Performance on the electric Joint. Proceeding of MEP CON 94, Jan. 3-6, 1994, pp. 84-89. |
| -1993-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and others Ampacities of Multi - Conductor Cables in Randomly filled Trays. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 40, NoA. pp. 755-766. Aug. 1993. |
| -1993-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Kamal Electric Energy Consumption in Cement Industry and a New Method for Forecasting its Maximum Demand. Jr. Egyptian Society of Engineers. V 01. 32, No. 1. 1993 pp. 29-34. |
| -1989-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.Kasem Comparative Study of Power Cables Ampacity Evaluations, Accepted Paper for Presentation at Middle East Power Conf. MEPCON 39, Jan. 9-13, 1989, Cairo- Assuit Egypt. Proceeding of the Conf. Pp. 62-67. |
| -1988-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Kasem Predication and Elimination of Hot Spots at the Crossing Regions of H.V. Cables, Presented at IEEE-1987 Summer Meeting July 12-17, 1987, San Francisco, California U.S.A. Paper No. 87 SM 588-7 Published at the IEEE-Transaction of Power Apparatus and Systems Vol. 3, No. 1 Feb. 1988. |
| -1988-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A.Shaltoot Consumer -Utility Co-Ordination for Improving the Overall Efficiency of Distribution Systems, Proceeding of Cairo International Symposium n Renewable Energy Sources, 13-16 June 1988, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 939-946. |
| -1988-M.M. Abdel Aziz, E. Aboul Zahab Optimization of Solar Cell Output Power By Heat Pipe Cooling Ibid. Proceeding of Advances in Renewable Energy Sonues Vot. 2, pp. 167-203, 1988. |
| -1987-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. Abdel Azim, H. Tawfeek New Modified Design of High Direct Current Bolted Bus Bar Joints, Presented at IEEE-1987 Summer Meeting July 12-17, 1987, San Francisco, California U.S.A. Paper No. 87 SM 579-6 (to, be published at the IEEE-Transactions of Power Apparatus and Systems). |
| -1987-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Shaltoot Improving the Transiting Capability of High Capacitive Cables Feeding Large Synchronous Motors Proceeding of IEEE- Mediterranean Electromechanical Conf. March 24-26-1987, Rome, Italy pp. 613-616. |
| -1987-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. Hakem and H. Kamal Steady State Temperature Distribution of High Voltage Bushings- Analysis and Measurements, Proceeding of IEEE 1987 Power Industry Computer Application Conf. PICA 87, May 18-22-1987, Montreal, Canada, pp. 308-315 (To be published at the IEEE- Transactions of Power Apparatus and Systems). |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Abdel Azim A modified New Method For Temperature Distribure Along Bus Bar Joint, Ibid. V 01. /\, No.l, 1986 pp.55-64. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Effect of Forced Cooling on High Voltage D.C. Oil Filled Cables Proceedings of the 11 the International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, 29· March -3 April, 1986 Cairo, Egypt, pp.69-82. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A.R.Zaghlool and M. El-shazly Effect of 8 Radiation on the Properties of Insulating Oil. Accepted Paper for Presentation at 1986-IEEE-International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Washington D.C.,U.S.A., June 8-11, 1986. Proceeding of the Conf pp. 58-61. |
| -1986-L. Fikry and M.M. Abdel Aziz, Measurement of Relative Humidity in Air Using Corona Streamer Counter. Ibid. Pp. 261-264. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Riga Hot Spots Prediction at the Crossing Regions of H.V. Cables, Accepted Paper for Presentation at IEESecond International Conf. On Power Cable and Accessories 10 KV to 180 KV London, 26-28 Nov. 1986. Proceeding of the Conf. PP. 227231. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Abdel Azim New Exact Design of High Direct Current Bolted Bus Bar Joints. Scientific Engineering Bulletin Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, V 01. 1986, No.2,pp.185-192. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. El- Wageeh Rating Factors of Underground Distribution Cables, Accepted, Paper for Presentation at IASTED Conf. On High Technology in Power Indutry"Montana State University. Aug. 20-22, Paper No. 12389 U.S.A. |
| -1986-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A:R. Zaghlool >and M. EI-Shazly Assessment of Heat Effects on Insulating Liquid Quality by Laser Measurments, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 1986 Proceeding of the Meeting pp., 1256-1259. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Expeimental and Analytical Temperature Distribution of Bus Bar Joints, Scientific Engineering Bulletin V 01. 1985/1, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Univerity. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and L. Fikry Radioactive Tracer Model For Oil Leak Location of Oil Filled Cables, Modeling, Simulation and Control V 01. 3 No. 4 PP 41-45, 1985 ASME. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Oil Pressure Rise of High Voltage Bushing, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineering Vo1. (24) 1985, No. I. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Thermal Model for Natural Ventation of Transformer Room, The Tenth Annual Operations Research Conference, 9-10 April 1985 Zagazing University University Egypt. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. EI-Hakim Thermal Model for Electrical Machines Cooled by Heat Pipes, International 85 Storrs Summer Conf. Modeling & Simulation, July 1-3, 1985, STORRS, Connecticut, USA. Modeling, Simulation & Control, BANISE Press, V 01. 6No 2, 1986, PP.47-55. |
| -1985-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A. Abdel Azim Temperature Distribution Along Aluminum Bus Bar Joints, 2nd Egyptian Aluminum conf. 23-25 act. 1985 Luxur, Egypt. |
| -1984-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and F.Arafa Evaporative Cooling of SelfContained Oil Filled Cable Accepted Paper For Presentation at The International Association of Science and Technology for Development- IASTED International Conference EE" 84, June 19-21, 1984, Nice, France, Paper No. 071-034-1-78. |
| -1984-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Abdo Prediction of Cable Joint Dielectric Life Time, Ibid. Paper No.071-04 1-78. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Riga Heat Pipe Cooling of three Phase Cable joints- 3rd Multi- Phase Flow and Heat and Heat Transfer Symposium Worlshop 18-20 April 1983, Miami Beach, florida, Florida, USA. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Evaporative Cooling of Bus Bars Ibid. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. El- Tobshy Evaporative Cooling of Thyristor Groups Ibid. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. El- Tobshy Thyristors Cooling by Heat Pipes, IEEE REGION 8, Mediterranean Electro Technical Conference, May 24-26, 1983, Athen -GREECE. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Conductor Temperature Distribution of Oil Filled Cables Joints Laid in Soil- Eight International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt, 26-31 March 1983, Proceeding of the Conference PP. 155-162. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Effect of Soil Type on Cables Loading of Cairo Distribution Network - Cairo University/MIT Internship Program, Development Research and Technological Planning Center, Final Report Feb. 1983, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, M.Abo Senda Field Distribution Around Heat Pipe Inside Cable Joints - Accepted Paper for Presentation at IEEE- IAS 1983 Annual Meeting, 3-7 Oct. 1983, Mexico City, USA, Proceeding of the Conf. PP. 1118 -1121. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and El- Tobshy Control of Thyristor Temperature Via Evaporative Cooling-Accepted -Paper for presentation at the International Association of Science and Technology for Development - IASTED Symposium on Modeling and Simulation, June 21-24, 1983, LUGANO, Switzerland. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and El- Tobshy Effect of used Cooling Liquid on Evaporation Cooled Bus Bar, IEEE- AFRICaN 83, Dec. 7-9, 1983, Nairobi, Kenya. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and O.Goda New Method for Cable Joint Cooling, Ibid. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and A.EI-Tobshy Optimum Evaporative Cooling of Thyristors, Ibid. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Detection of Oil Leak Location in Oil Filled Cables, Cairo University/MIT Internship Program, Development Research and Technological Planning Center, Final Report Nov. 1983. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H. Abdo Computerized Steady State Thermal· Analysis of Cable Joint Cooling by Heat Pipe, The 18th Annual Conf. In Statistics, Computer Science, and Operation Research I.S.S.R, Cairo University, 24-27 Dec. 1983, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -1983-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H. Abdo Computerized Transient Thermal Analysis of Cable Joint, Ibid. |
| -1982-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and K.Gibril Increase of Transformer Rating Using Heat Pipe. Proceedings (part 2) of the International Conference on Electrical Machines, Sept. 5-9- 1982 Budapest- Hungary. PP.(11-14). |
| -1982-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Solar Heating of Poultry Farms. Accepted Paper for Presentation at Fifth IASTED International Symposium, MECO 82 Sept. 1-3-1982 Tunis, Tunisia. |
| -1982-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Kamal Computerized Thermal analysis of H.V. Bushings Part I: Hot Spot Prediction. The 17th Annual Conference In Statistics, Computer Science, and Operation Research I.S.S.R., Cairo University 13-15 Dec. 1982, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -1982-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Kamal Computerized Thermal Analysis of H.V Bushinges part II.Elimination of Bushing Hot Sopt Spot by Using Heat Pipe. Ibid |
| -1980-M.M. Abdel Aziz, H.Riga and A. ReiN A New Method For Thermal Analysis of High Voltage Bushing"s- IEEE, PES 1980 Winter Meeting, New York Feb. 3-8 1980, Paper No. A 80 053-9 |
| -1980-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H.Riga Thermal Analysis of Cable Sealing Ends- IEEE, PES 1980 Winter Meeting. New York Feb. 3-8 1980 paper No. F 80218-8. |
| -1980-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A. H.Risa and A.ReiN Evaporative Cooling of High Voltage Bushings, Accepted Transaction Paper No. 80 SM 709 -6 For Presentation at 1980 Summer Meeting Minneapolis, Mimmesota July 13-18-1980 (The Paper Was not Presented at the Cont). |
| -1980-M.K Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, and Galal Osman Improving the Design and Performance of Swichgear Components, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Switchgear Components, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers V 01. (21) P.P. 35-38 No. 1 |
| -1979-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H. Riga. A new Method for Cable Joints Thermal Analysis - IEEE, PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver Canada July 15-20 1979 Paper No. F 79 614-9 . |
| -1979-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Accurate Calculation of Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitators - IEEE- IAS 1979 Annual Meeting Ohio 30 Sep. 4 Oct 1979. |
| -1979-M.M. Abdel Aziz, H.Riga and A.ReiN Effective Evaporative Cooling of Cable Joints -IEEE-Electrical/Electronics Insulation Conference Oct. 8-11 Boston Massachusetts 1979. |
| -1979-M.M. Abdel Aziz, and H. Riga Thermal Analysis of Cable Joints IEEE- Second International Conference on Progress in Cables and Overhead Lines For 220 KV and above, London 4-6 Sept. 1979. (IEEE Conference Publication No. 176). |
| -1978-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, M. EI-Kady, M. Abou- El Maged Optimum Temperature Distribution of Forces Cooled Cooled oil-Filled Cables- IEEE, PES Winter Meeting New York, N.Y., Jan. 29-Feb.,3, 1978 Paper No. A. 78-186-9. |
| -1978-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, M. Abou-EI Maged Exact Calculations of Conductor Sheat-Oil Film Resistance Forced- Cooled Pipe Type Oil Cables.,- The Thirteenth Annual Conference in Statistics, Computer and Operations Research I.S.S.R. Cairo Unversity, March 1978. |
| -1978-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, M. Abou-EI Maged Charging Current Limitations on Forced Cooled oil-Filled Cables. Idid. |
| -1978-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, Stress Distribution of I-LV. Forced Cooled Oil-Filled D.C. Cables-IEEE-1978 Region Five Annual Conference, Tusa-Oklahoma April 16-18-1978 |
| -1978-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Bus Bar Design - International Symposium- Workshop on Solar Energy, 16-22 June 1978, Cairo Egypt. |
| -1978-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz, and M. Tawfeek Design of High Current Bolted Bus-Bar Joint, I-N.C. System IEEE, PES Summer Meeting, Los Angles, CA. July 16-21 1978, Paper No. A 78.562 - 1. |
| -1978-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Future Hydrogen Energy Production and Utilization - International Solar Energy Symposium in Belgrude, 25-30 Oct. 1978, Paper No. 62 A 578-1. |
| -1978-M.M. Abdel Aziz, Thermal Analysis of Heat Exchanger of Solar Concentrator - Commercialization of Solar and Conservation Technologies Symposium- Workshop, 11-13 Dec. Miami Beach, Florida. |
| -1978-M.M. Abdel Aziz, A-R-Zaghlool Economical Temperature and Velocity Optimization of pipe type precipitator- IEEE - IAS-1978 Annual Meeting, Toronto Ontario Oct. 1-5 1978. |
| -1978-M.M. Abdel Aziz, H. Riga and A.Rein and H.Riga. Cable Joints Cooling by Evaporative Method- 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium Workshop, 15-18 April, 1 ~69 Miami Beach, Florida. |
| -1977-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz and others Effects of Return Element Element Forced Cooled oil-Filled Cables Magazin of Egyptian Engineers, 1977. |
| -1976-M.M Gohar, M.M. Abdel Aziz Optimum Operation, Accurate Temperature Distribution and Generalized Characteristics of Forced Cooled O.F.C-IEEE Canadian Communications & Power Conference Oct.21-22-1976 Montreal, PP.534-537. |