Professor Emeritus:Ossama Youssef Abul-Haggag
Electrical Power and Machines
Email : | ohaggag***gmail.com |
Mobile : | 012 2315-3175 |
Birth Date : | 25/08/1953 |
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Qualifications |
| Diploma (1970) "High Honors Class" Oshkosh High School (USA) |
| B.Sc. (1975) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1978) "Liberal Education" St. John"s College (USA) |
| Ph.D. (1983) "Electrical Engineering " McMaster University (Canada) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Stochastic Control |
| Stochastic Modelling |
| State Estimation |
| Parameter Identification |
| Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting |
Recent Publications : |
| -2013-O. Y. Abul-Haggag and Walied Barakat, "Application of Fuzzy Logic for the Determination of Safety Integrity in light of IEC 61508 & 61511 Standards", Int. J. Emerging Tech. Adv. Engrg. (IJETAE), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013, pp. 41-48. |
| -2013-O. Y. Abul-Haggag and Walied Barakat, "Application of Fuzzy Logic for Risk Assessment using Risk Matrix", Int. J. Emerging Tech. Adv. Engrg. (IJETAE), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013, pp. 49-54. |
| -2011-A. Seif E. M. Gabr, M. A. Moustafa Hassan, O. Y. Abul-Haggag;"Artificial Intelligence Based Approach Compared With Stochastic Modelling For Electrical Load Forecasting", Accepted for presentation at International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’11), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 13th to 15th April, 2011 |
| -2011-E .M. Abd El-Gawad; M.A. Mustafa Hassan; M. A. M. Hallouda; O.Y. Abul-Haggag; " Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting: Comparative Study", Accepted for presentation at International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’11), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 13th to 15th April, 2011 |
| -2011-E .M. Abd El-Gawad, M.A. Mustafa Hassan, M. A. M. Hallouda, O.Y. Abul-Haggag; "Stochastic Modeling Compared With Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting"; Journal of American Science 2011;7(4):P. 393-399. |
| -2011-A. Seif E. M. Gabr, M. A. Moustafa Hassan, O. Y. Abul-Haggag; "Stochastic Modelling Compared With Artificial Intelligence Based Approach For Electrical Load Forecasting"; Journal of American Science 2011;7(4):P. 400-407. |
| -1995-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (March 1995), "Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Demand Using Cross Sectional Techniques", Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, vol. 3, pp. 372-387. |
| -1995-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (March 1995), "An Analysis of Variance Approach to Stochastic Modeling with Application to Engineering Education", Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, vol. 3, pp. 398-408. |
| -1995-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (March 1995), "A New Variable Damping Estimator for the Parameters and States of Dynamic Systems", Proceedings of the 1st Engineering Conference, Mansoura, pp. 200-209. |
| -1995-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (January 1995), "A Novel Approach to the Modeling of Single Machine Infinite Bus Systems Via Multivariate Time Series Techniques", Modeling, Simulation and Control, Paris, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 43-52. |
| -1994-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (February 1994), "State Estimation of Second Order Markov Systems", Advances in Modeling and Analysis, Paris, vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 41-47. |
| -1992-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (May 1992), "Recursive Estimation of Variables and Parameters in a Stochastic System Representing a Falling Body", Proceedings 2nd IASTED International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry, Alexandria, pp. 359-362. |
| -1990-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and A. M. Kamel (April 1990), "A New Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Using a Lyapunov Design Technique", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 127-133. |
| -1989-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and T. H. Aly (November 1989), "Stabilization of Power Systems Using Minimum Variance Strategy", Proceedings 1st International Operations Research Conference, Zagazig, pp. 47-52. |
| -1989-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (1989), "Discrete Stochastic Modeling of Power Systems for Digital Control Applications", Advances in Modeling and Simulation, Paris, vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37-46. |
| -1989-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and A. M. Homran (1989), "A Probabilistic Model for Two Body Motion with Application to Missile Guidance", Modeling, Simulation and Control B, Paris, vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 45-55. |
| -1988-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (February 1988), "On the Modeling of Reactor Outlet Interconnect Piping System Using Describing Function Techniques", Proceedings IASTED International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry, Cairo, pp. 127-130. |
| -1988-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (1988), "Methods for the Identification of Synchronous Machine Parameters – A Survey", Modeling, Simulation and Control A, Paris, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 31-42. |
| -1988-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. S. El-Sobki (1988), "A New Approach to the Modeling of Synchronous Machines", Modeling, Simulation and Control A, Paris, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 21-30. |
| -1985-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. A. Soliman (September 1985), "A New Approach to the Identification of Stochastic Models", Proceedings 7th IFAC Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control, Vienna, pp. 651-654. |
| -1985-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. El-Marsafawy (September 1985), "Adaptive Power System Stabilizer for Synchronous Machines Using Speed Signal", Proceedings 7th IFAC Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control, Vienna, pp. 277-282. |
| -1985-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (May 1985), "A New Switching Criterion for the Dual-Mode Orbit Predictor", Proceedings 1st ASAT Conference on Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation Technology, Cairo, pp. 1079-1088. |
| -1985-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. A. Soliman (1985), "Bootstrap Identification Via Lyapunov Design Techniques", Advances in Modeling and Simulation, Paris, vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 51-64. |
| -1985-1985-H. M. Zein El-Din, O. A-H. Ibrahim, and M. EL-Marsafawy "Adaptive power system stabilizer for synchronous machines using speed signal", Paper presented at IFAC conference, Vienna, Austria, September 1985, and published in the proceedings of the conference, pp. 277-282. |
| -1982-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and N. K. Sinha (August 1982), "Estimating the Orbital States of a Satellite Using Pugacev"s Method", Proceedings 25th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, USA, pp. 23-27. |
| -1982-N. K. Sinha and O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (January 1982), "Estimation of the Orbital States of a Satellite Using Multivariate Time Series Method", Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Theory and Applications of Digital Control, New Delhi, pp. 4.20-4.25. |
| -1981-N. K. Sinha and O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (August 1981), "On the Orbit Determination of Communications Satellites Via the Invariant Imbedding – Stochastic Approximation Algorithm", Proceedings 8th Triennial World IFAC Congress, Koyoto, vol. 16, pp. 95-99. |
| -1981-O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and N. K. Sinha (May 1981), "A New Approach for Modeling and Forecasting of the Range for Communications Satellites", Proceedings 12th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, pp. 467-472. |
| -1980-N. K. Sinha and O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (1980), "On the Choice of the Number of Integrations in ARIMA Models", Applied Systems and Cybernetics, New York, Pergamon Press. |
| -1980-N. K. Sinha and O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim (1980), "Stochastic Models Relating High School Performance to that of University Education in Engineering", Applied Systems and Cybernetics, New York, Pergamon Press. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. H. Aly, (Book) Learn Internet, Micros IT Series, Dubai, 194 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and F. N. Shaker, (Book) Learn Networking, Micros IT Series, Dubai, 156 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and M. A. Shalaby, (Book) Learn Visual BASIC, Micros IT Series, Dubai, 107 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and A. E. Eleiwa,(Book) Learn Corel Draw 8, Micros IT Series, Dubai, 119 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, M. Farghal and M. Nasr, (Book) Learn Windows 98, Micros IT Series, Dubai, 289 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Your Personal Guide to the World of Internet, Nahdet Misr, Cairo, 248 pages. |
| --Translated by O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Internet For Beginners, Computer Series, Nahdet Misr, Cairo, 48 pages. |
| --Translated by O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Windows 95 For Beginners, Computer Series, Nahdet Misr, Cairo, 48 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Desktop Publishing Using Corel Ventura 4, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 129 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and A. Dawash, (Book) Advanced Topics in Statistical Analysis Using SAS, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 93 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and N. A. Diab, (Book) Advanced Topics in Disk Operating System, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 58 pages. |
| --A. Dawash and O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) SAS Workshop, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 74 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Advanced Topics in Symphony, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 43 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Introducing Spreadsheets Using Symphony, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 62 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim, (Book) Introduction to Statistical Analysis Using SAS, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 134 pages. |
| --O. Abul-Haggag Ibrahim and Y. S. Gad-Allah, (Book) Harvard Presentation Graphics, CEMARP Publications, Cairo, 93 pages. |