Professor Emeritus:Magdy Mohamed El-Marsafawy
Electrical Power and Machines
Email : | magdymohamed2015***hotmail.com |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (1973) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1976) "Electrical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (1979) "Electrical Engineering" University of Manitoba (Canada) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Power factor improvement and analysis of harmonics in electric systems |
| Power Systems Analysis |
| HVDC Transmission Networks |
| Optimization Methods for Computer-Aided Design |
| Applications of Diakoptics (piece-wise solution methods) in power systems |
| Subsynchronous resonance analysis of integrated series capacitor compensated AC/DC systems |
| Applications of SVC (static VAR compensators) in power systems |
Recent Publications : |
| -1993-M. El-Shibini, M. EL-Marsafawy, and M. Eassawy, "Improving the availability of emergency power supply in nuclear power plant", Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Engineering Sciences, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 7, 1993. |
| -1993-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Solution of Power flow and outage problems using diakoptics and compensation", Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Engineering Sciences, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 7, 1993. |
| -1993-M. EL-Marsafawy, "On the conversion of an existing practical AC transmission system to DC", Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Engineering Sciences, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 7, 1993. |
| -1992-M. EL-Marsafawy and A. El-Emary, "A Study of the effects of power system parameters and operating conditions variation on subsynchronous resonance", AMSE Periodicals, Modelling, Simulation & Control, A, Vol. 41, No. 2, 1992, PP. 1-16. |
| -1992-A. A. Shaltout and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Upgrading the existing Egyptian 500 KV transmission network by series capacitor compensation: analysis of transient stability and SSR", Paper presented at the Second Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCN-92), January 6-9, 1992, Assiut, Egypt and published in the proceedings of the conference, PP. 36-40. |
| -1992-H. M. Zein El-Din and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Comparison of voltage and synchronous stability limits in electric power systems including load-voltage sensitivity", Paper presented at the Second Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON-92), January 6-9, 1992, Assiut, Egypt and published in the proceedings of the conference, PP.427-430. |
| -1992-M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "Voltage stability of compensated power transmission systems", Paper presented at the Second Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON-92), January 6-9, 1992, Assiut, Egypt and published in the proceedings of the conference, pp. 431-434. |
| -1992-M. EL-Marsafawy, "A diakoptical technique for short circuit studies of large size power system networks", Paper presented at the Second Middle East Power System Conference (MERCON-92), January 6-9, 1992, Assiut, Egypt and published in the proceedings of the conference, PP. 465-468. |
| -1991-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Economical design of series capacitor compensation for long power transmission systems", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, England, Vol. 13, No. 6, Dec. 1991, PP. 321-329. |
| -1991-H. M. Soliman, M. F. Hassan and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Hierarchical optimization to solve large load flow problems", 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, July 22-26, 1991, Dublin, Ireland. |
| -1991-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Investigation of practical alternatives to increase the power transfer capability of the existing Alexandria- Cairo 220 KV transmission system", AMSE Periodicals, Modelling, Simulation & Control, A, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1991, PP. 43-52. |
| -1991-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Application of series-capacitor and shunt-reactor compensation to an existing practical AC transmission line", Proceedings of IEE, Part C, Vol. 138, No. 4, July, 1991, PP. 330-336. |
| -1990-H. M. Zein El-Din and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Effect of system load characteristics on synchronous machine dynamic performance for some schemes of excitation control", ibid., Volume 37, No. 1, March, 1990, PP. 251-270. |
| -1990-R. M Radwan and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Failure analysis of circuit breakers in the Upper Egypt Zone of the Egyptian Unified Power system network", Paper presented at the IEE third International Conference on Future Trends in Distribution Switchgear, London, England, April, 1990 and Published in the the proceedings of the conference, PP. 79-83. |
| -1989-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Increasing the power transfer capability of the Egyptian existing 500 KV transmission system by conversion to DC", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Cairo University, Vol. 36, No. 2, June, 1989, PP. 495-513. |
| -1987-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Inclusion of DC networks in a power flow solution of AC system using decoupled power flow method in rectangular form ", AMSE Periodicals on Modelling, Simulation & Control, A, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1987, PP. 1-7. |
| -1987-M. EL-Marsafawy, "A diakoptic technique for sensitivity analysis in large size power system networks", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, No. 2, 1987, PP. 185-205. |
| -1987-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Accurate simulation of commutation overlap effects in HVDC terminal model for power flow studies", Paper published in the Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Issue 2, Vol. 13, 1987, PP. 185-189. |
| -1985-M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "Diakoptical efficient algorithm for load-flow solution of integrated DC/AC power system networks", Modelling simulation & Control, A, AMSE Press, Volume 5, No. 2, 1985, PP. 33-47. |
| -1985-R. M. Radwan, M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "Statistical distribution of major characteristics of circuit breakers in the UEZ", Paper presented at the tenth annual operations research conference, Zagazig, Egypt, April, 1985, and published in the proceeding of the conference, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP. 749-775. |
| -1985-M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "A First look at the application of series capacitor compensation to the Egyptian 500 KV transmission network", Paper presented at the tenth annual operations research conference, Zagazig, Egypt, April, 1985, and published in the proceedings of the conference, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP. 785-800. |
| -1985-M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "A Simple, reliable program for subsynchronous resonance analysis of series-capacitor compensated power system network", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, No. 2, 1985, PP. 223-246. |
| -1985-M. EL-Marsafawy and H. M. Zein El-Din, "A fast solution of integrated multi-terminal DC/AC power networks using a diakoptically based technique", Proceedings of Jordan International Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference, JIEEE 85, April 1985, Amman, Jordan, PP. 245 -250. |
| -1985-H. M. Zein El-Din and M. EL-Marsafawy, "Identification of synchronous machine model from on-line frequency response test data "AMSE Periodicals on Modelling, Simulation & Control, A, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1985, PP. 1-8. |
| -1985-H. M. Zein El-Din, O. A-H. Ibrahim, and M. EL-Marsafawy "Adaptive power system stabilizer for synchronous machines using speed signal", Paper presented at IFAC conference, Vienna, Austria, September 1985, and published in the proceedings of the conference, pp. 277-282. |
| -1983-M. EL-Marsafawy, "Use of frequency scan techniques for subsynchronous resonance analysis of a practical series-capacitor compensated AC network", IEE Proceedings, part C, Vol . 130, No. 1, Jan 1983, PP. 28-40. |
| -1980-M. EL-Marsafawy and R.M. Mathur, "A new, fast technique for load-flow solution of integrated multi-terminal DC/AC systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-99, NO. 1, Jan/ Feb, 1980, pp 246-255. |
| -1979-M. EL-Marsafawy and R. M. Mathur, "An Impored method for outage studies", Paper No. A 79 062-1, Presented at the IEEE PES winter Meeting, New York Feb, 1979, and published in Abstract, IEEE Trans. On power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No. 4, July/ August, 1979, PP. 1144 (1A11). |
| -1979-M. EL-Marsafawy, R. W. Menzies and R. M. Mathur, "New, exact, diakoptic, fast-decoupled load-flow technique for very large power systems", Paper No. A 79 440-9, IEEE PES summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 1979, and Published in Abstract, IEEE, PAS, Vol. PAS-99, Jan/Feb 1980, PP.7. |
| -1979-M. EL-Marsafawy, R. W. Menzies and R. M. Mathur, "An exact diakoptical load-flow algorithm", Paper No. 79015, IEEE International Electrical and Electronics Conference and Exposition, Toronto, Canada, October 1979, IEEE Catalogue No. 79 CH 1473-8 REG 7. |
| -1979-M. EL-Marsafawy, R. W. Menzies, and R. M. Mathur, "New diakoptic technique for load-flow solution of very large power systems using the bus-admittance matrix", IEE Proceedings, Vol. 126, No. 12, December 1979, PP. 1301. |