Professor/أستاذ:Hamed Mohamed Hadhoud
Structural Engineering
Email : | hamedhadhoud***yahoo.com |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (1992) "Civil Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1995) "Structural Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (1998) "Civil Engineering" The University of Tokyo (Japan) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Nonlinear modeling and analysis of reinforced concrete structures |
| Constitutive laws for concrete and reinforced concrete |
| The micro-truss model |
| Design of Reinforced Concrete against Progressive Collapse |
| Applied Element Method |
| Nonlinear Strut and Tie Method |
| Controlled demolition of structures |
Recent Publications : |
| -2012-Salem, H., Elfouly, A., and Helmy, H. “Prediction of bridge behavior through
failure: a case study of the Minnesota I-35W bridge collapse”, IABMAS 2012, 6th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, In
press |
| -2012-Helmy H., Salem H. , and Mourad S. “Computer-Aided Assessment of Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Structures According to GSA Code”, ASCE Journal of performance of constructed facilities, in Press |
| -2011-Salem H. , “Computer-aided design of framed reinforced concrete structures subjected to flood scouring”, Journal of American Science, Vol.7, No. 10, pp. 191–200, 2011 |
| -2011-Salem, H., El-Fouly, A. and Tagel-Din, H., "Toward an Economic Design of
Reinforced Concrete Structures against Progressive Collapse" Engineering
Structures 33(2011) 3341-3350. |
| -2010-Ghoname, S., Salem, H. and Shawky, A, “Punching of slurry infiltrated fiber
concrete (SIFCON) flat slaBS”, HBRC Journal VOL.6 No. 3, pp.33-46, December
2010 |
| -2010-D. Asprone, A. Nanni, H. Salem, and H. Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method
Analysis of Porous GFRP Barrier Subjected to Blast, Advances in Structural
Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, 153-169, 2010 |
| -2010-Salem, H. “Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Floods”, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6),
Cairo, Egypt, pp. 820-828, June 2010 |
| -2010-Helmy H., Salem H. , and Tageldin H. “Numerical Simulation of Charlotte
Coliseum Demolition Using the Applied Element Method”, 6th International
Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 528-537, June 2010 |
| -2009-Elnono, M., Salem, H., Farahat, A., and Elzanaty, A., "Use of Slurry Infiltrated
Fiber Concrete in Reinforced Concrete Corner Connections Subjected to Opening
Moments", Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 51-59,
February 2009 |
| -2009-Salem, H., "A Simplified Design for Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns",
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 129-146, April 2009 |
| -2009-Abdel-Hameed, G., Salem, H., Bahaa, T., and Farahat, A., "Shear Behavior of
Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete Beams" HBRC Journal VOL.5 No. 2, pp.45-61,
August 2009 |
| -2006-Zohery, A., Salem, H., Farahat, A., Eldegwy ,W.,and Shaheen ,H. , "Behavior of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete L-Beams Subjected to Pure Torsion", Journal of Helwan University, accepted for publication, April 2006 |
| -2006-Zohery, A., Salem, H., Farahat, A., Eldegwy ,W.,and Shaheen ,H. , "Behavior of
High-Strength Reinforced Concrete L-Beams Subjected to Combined Shear and
Torsion", The 10th Arab Structural Engineering Conference, Kuwait, Kuwait,
November 13-15, 2006 |
| -2004-Salem, H., “ The Micro Truss Model: An Innovative Rational Design Approach for Reinforced Concreteâ€, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2004, pp. 77-87 |
| -2004-Hamza, A. and Salem, H., “Headed Reinforcing Steel Bars as Tension Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Beamsâ€, Proc. of the International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, and Construction Technology IC-SGECT’04, Mansoura, Vol. 1, pp. 323-333, March 2004. |
| -2004-Salem, H., and Maekawa, K. “Pre- and Postyield Finite Element Method simulation of bond of ribbed reinforcing barsâ€, ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 671-680 |
| -2004-Salem, H., “Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Using a Refined Nonlinear Strut and Tie Model Approachâ€, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, 2004 |
| -2003-Salem, H. “ The bent lap splice; An innovative detailing of tension lap spliceâ€, Journal of Engineering and Applied science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 50, No. 6, December 2003. |
| -2003-Salem, H. and Hamza, A. “Welded meshes as transverse reinforcement in circular reinforced concrete columnsâ€, Journal of Engineering and Applied science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 50, No. 5, October 2003. |
| -2002-Hamza, A. and Salem, H. “Towards the enhancement of tension lap splices in reinforced concrete beamsâ€, Journal of Engineering and Applied science, Vol 49, No. 3, June 2002, pp. 455-473, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University |
| -2002-Salem, H., “ The micro truss model: A new rational design approachâ€, Journal of Engineering and Applied science, Vol. 49, No. 2, Apr. 2002, pp. 259-277, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University |
| -2002-Salem, H., and Maekawa, K. “Pre and Post-yielding bond of ribbed reinforcing bars: FEM approachâ€, ASCE, Journal of structural engineering (accepted for publications) |
| -2001-Salem, H. and Maekawa, K. “Size effect on rotational capacity of plastic hinges in reinforced concreteâ€, Journal of the Egyptian society of engineers, Vol. 40, No, 2, 2001, pp. 3-8 |
| -2000-Hoogenboom, P. C. J., Salem, H., and Maekawa, K. “On the process of performance-based dimensioningâ€, Proc. of the eighth international conference in computing in civil and building engineering, California, Vol. 1, pp.643-650, 2000. |
| -2000-Tsukuda, S., Kishi, T. and Salem, H. “Physical effect of limestone powder on properties of mortar/concrete†“written in Japaneseâ€, Proc. of JCI, Vol.22, No. 2, pp 211-216, 2000. |
| -2000-Salem, H. and Maekawa, K. "Three-dimensional dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structures", 8th Arabic Conference for Structural Engineering, pp. 899-914, Cairo, 2000 |
| -1999-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., " Strain Gradient Effect on Tension Stiffening of Reinforced Concrete", Proc. Of JCI, 1999 |
| -1999-Dhakal, R., Salem, H. M. and Maekawa, K. “Nonlinear Analysis of Laterally Loaded Reinforced Concrete Pilesâ€, Proc. Of the Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Japan, 1999 |
| -1999-Salem, H. M., Hauke, B. and Maekawa, K., “Fracture of Concrete Cover - Its Effect on Tension Stiffening and Modelingâ€, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements, JSCE, No. 613/V-42, 295-307, February 1999. |
| -1999-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., “Spatially Averaged Tensile Mechanics for Cracked Concrete and Reinforcement under Highly Inelastic Rangeâ€, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements, JSCE, No. 613/V-42, 277-293, February 1999. |
| -1998-Salem, H. "Enhanced Tension Stiffening Model and Application to Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", Ph.D. Thesis, 1998, Tokyo University, Japan |
| -1998-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., “Coupled Bond And Bridging Stress Transfer in Cracked Reinforced Concrete†FRAMCOS-3, Gifu, Japan , Vol. 2, pp. 1353-1362, ,1998 |
| -1998-Salem, H. M., Hauke, B., and Maekawa, K., “Concrete Cover Effect on Tension Stiffness of Cracked Reinforced Concrete†Proc. Of JCI, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 97-102, 1998 |
| -1998-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., “A Versatile Computational Model for Reinforced Concrete in Tension†JSCE, 1998 |
| -1998-Tsuchiya, S., Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., "Nonlinear Seismic Response of RC Piers Subjected to Eccentric Axial Forces" Proc. Of the Sixth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Vol.1, pp. 549-554, 1998 |
| -1998-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., " Computational Model for Tension Stiffness of Cracked Reinforced Concrete Derived from Micro-bond Characteristics" Proc. Of the Sixth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Vol.3, pp. 1929-1934, 1998. |
| -1997-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., " Determination of Tension Stiffness for Cracked Reinforced Concrete Based on Micro-bond Characteristics" Proc. of JSCE, 1997 |
| -1997-Salem, H. M., and Maekawa, K., " Tension Stiffness for Cracked Reinforced Concrete Derived from Micro-bond Characteristics" Proc. of JCI, Vol.19, No.2, pp 549-554, 1997 |
| -1997-Salem, H. M., El-Attar A.G. and Mustafa, M. " Application of Equilibrium Truss Model to RC Corner Connections Subjected to Opening Bending Moments", Cairo University, 1997 |