Associate Professor:Waleed Abdelsamea Marouf Abdemaksoud
Mechanical Power Engineering
Email :wamarouf***
imgB.Sc. (2004) "Mechanical Power Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgM.Sc. (2007) "Mechanical Power Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgPh.D. (2012) "Mechanical Engineering" Syracuse University (USA)
Fields of Interest :
imgHeat and mass transfer
imgAir conditioning and refrigeration
imgFluid mechanics
imgComputational fluid dynamics (CFD)
imgEnergy conservation in combustion systems
Recent Publications :
img-2015-Abdelmaksoud, W., 2015. Effect of CFD Grid Resolution and Turbulent Quantities on the Jet Flow Prediction. ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 121, Part 1.
img-2015-Abdelmaksoud, W., and Khalil, E.E., 2015. Energy Savings and Thermal Comfort Optimization in Office Cubicle Environment. ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 121, Part 1.
img-2013-Abdelmaksoud, W., Dang, T.Q., Khalifa, H.E., and Schmidt, R., 2013. Improved Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Open-Aisle Air-Cooled Data Center Simulations. ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Volume 135, Issue 3.
img-2013-Abdelmaksoud, W., and Khalil, E.E., 2013. Personal Ventilation and Displacement Ventilation Assessment in Cubicle Workstations. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Paper IMECE2013-62774, San Diego, CA, USA.
img-2012-Abdelmaksoud, W., Dang, T.Q., Khalifa, H.E., Schmidt, R., and Iyengar, M., 2012. Perforated Tile Models for Improving Data Center CFD Simulations. Proceedings of the Intersociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena (ITHERM), San Diego, CA, USA.
img-2011-Smith, J. F., Abdelmaksoud, W., Erden, H., Dannenhoffer, J. F., Dang, T.Q., Khalifa, H.E., Schmidt, R., and Iyengar, M., 2011. Design of Simulated Server Racks for Data Center Research. Proceedings of ASME InterPACK, Portland, OR, USA.
img-2010-Abdelmaksoud, W., Khalifa, H.E., Dang, T.Q., Schmidt, R., and Iyengar, M., 2010. Improved CFD Modeling of a Small Data Center Test Cell. Proceedings of the Intersociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena (ITHERM), Las Vegas, USA.
img-2010-Abdelmaksoud, W., Dang, T. Q., Khalifa, H.E., Elhadidi, B., Schmidt, R., and Iyengar, M., 2010. Experimental and Computational Study of Perforated Floor Tile in Data Centers. Proceedings of the Intersociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena (ITHERM), Las Vegas, USA.
img-2009-Khalil, E.E. and Abdelmaksoud, W., 2009. Indoor Air Quality inside an Air-Conditioned Large Auditorium. Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings, Paper 348, Syracuse, NY, USA.
Recent Projects :
img-2014-2016-Cooling Energy Reduction and Worker Comfort Optimization in Office Cubicle Environments. STDF Fund.