Professor/أستاذ:Mohamed Hasanin Sorour
Structural Engineering
Email : | Serror***eng.cu.edu.eg |
Academic Citation : | M. Hassanien Serror |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (2001) "Civil Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (2003) "Structural Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (2006) "Structural Earthquake Engineering" University of Tokyo (Japan) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Structural Stability |
| Steel Structures Analysis and Design |
| Structural Earthquake Engineering |
| Computer-Aided Design |
| SMART Materials |
Recent Publications : |
| -2013-H. Hossam El-Anwar, M. Hassanien Serror and H. Sobhy Sayed, “Damping Identification Procedure for Linear Systems: Mixed Numerical-Experimental Approach,” Earthquakes and Structures, an International Journal, Techno Press, Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2013. |
| -2013-M. Hassanien Serror and J. Inoue, “Analytical Study for Deformability of Laminated Sheet Metal with Full Interfacial Bond,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 139(1), pp. 94-103, January 2013. |
| -2012-M. Hassanien Serror and A. Essam Fathy, “Assessment of Internal Forces Induced due to Differential Shortening of Vertical Elements in Typical Medium- to High-Rise Buildings,” The Journal of American Science, Marsland Press, USA, November 2012. |
| -2011-M. Hassanien Serror, “Effect of Web Opening on Buckling Instability of Simply Supported Steel I-Beam,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, David Publishing Company, Vol. 5, No.9, pp. 809-818, Sep. 2011, ISSN 1934-7359, USA. Indexed in: EBSCO Massachusetts USA, Cambridge Science Abstracts CSA, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, and Summon. |
| -2011-M. Said El-Adly, M. Hassanien Serror and A. Farouk Hassan, “Assessment for Local Buckling Coefficient of I-Section Web under Uniform Compression,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 403-415, Oct. 2011. |
| -2010-M. Hassanien Serror, Maha M. Hassan and Sherif A. Mourad, “Towards a Boundary between Special and Ordinary Steel Moment Resisting Frames in the Egyptian Code,” 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Topic: T3-Paper 197, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 30.08-03.09.2010 |
| -2010-Hesham Sobhy Sayed and M. Hassanien Serror, “Prying Force Assessment using Nonlinear Finite Element Model,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, David Publishing Company, Vol. 4, No.7, pp. 56-65, July 2010, ISSN 1934-7359, USA. Indexed in: EBSCO Massachusetts USA, Cambridge Science Abstracts CSA, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, and Summon. |
| -2010-Maha M. Hassan, M. Hassanien Serror and Sherif A. Mourad, “Assessment of Force Reduction Factor for Steel Frames in the Proposed Egyptian Code,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 217-231, June 2010. |
| -2009-M. Hassanien Serror, “Localized Necking in Laminated Metal Sheets: Forming Limit Analysis,” International Conference on Advanced Materials for Application in Acoustics and Vibration, The British University in Egypt, 4-6 January 2009, (M1 Advanced Materials, paper no. 6). |
| -2008-M. Hassanien Serror, J. Inoue, Y. Adachi, M. Hori, Y. Fujino, “Shared Computer-Aided Structural Design Model for Construction Industry. (Infrastructure),” Journal of Computer-Aided Design, Vo. 40, pp. 778-788, 2008. |
| -2007-M. Hassanien Serror, J. Inoue, M. Hori, Y. Fujino, T. Ichimura, “Distributed Object-based Software Environment for Urban System Integrated Simulation under Urban-Scale Hazard. Part-II: Application,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 36, pp. 1561-1579, 2007. |
| -2007-M. Hassanien Serror, J. Inoue, M. Hori, Y. Fujino, “Distributed Object-based Software Environment for Urban System Integrated Simulation under Urban-Scale Hazard. Part-I: Infrastructure,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 36, pp. 1545-1560, 2007. |
| -2004-M. Hassanien Serror, M. Bahaa, H. Sobhy, A. Farouk, J. Inoue, “Effect of Vertical Web Stiffeners on the Lateral Torsional Buckling Behavior of Cantilever Steel I-Beam,” JSCE, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 4, 2004. |