Professor/أستاذ:Yasser Hussein Anis
Mechanical Design and Production
Email :yasser.anis***
imgB.Sc. (2001) "Mechanical Design and Production" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgM.Sc. (2004) "Mechanical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgPh.D. (2007) "Mechanical Engineering - Automation of the Microassembly of MEMS Devices" University of Toronto (Canada)
Fields of Interest :
imgSystem Control
imgFluid Power control
imgBiomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
Recent Publications :
img-2012-Kelbauskas, L. and Ashili, S.P. and Houkal, J. and Smith, D. and Mohammadreza, A. and Lee, K.B. and Forrester, J. and Kumar, A. and Anis, Y.H. and Paulson, T.G. and others, "Method for physiologic phenotype characterization at the single-cell level in non-interacting and interacting cells," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol.17.
img-2012-Y. Anis, D. Meldrum, "Static and Transient Response Analysis of a Piezoelectric Actuator Driven Diaphragm Pico-Liter Pump", in proc. IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, June 24-27, 2012, Roma, Italy.
img-2011-Ashili, S.P. and Kelbauskas, L. and Houkal, J. and Smith, D. and Tian, Y. and Youngbull, C. and Zhu, H. and Anis, Y.H. and Hupp, M. and Lee, K.B. and others, "Automated platform for multiparameter stimulus response studies of metabolic activity at the single-cell level", Proceedings of SPIE, vol.7929
img-2011-Kelbauskas, L. and Ashili, S. and Houkal, J. and Smith, D. and Mohammadreza, A. and Lee, K. and Kumar, A. and Anis, Y. and Paulson, T. and Youngbull, C. and others, "A novel method for multiparameter physiological phenotype characterization at the single-cell level", Proceedings of SPIE, vol.7902.
img-2011-Y. H. Anis, J. Houkal, M. R. Holl, R. H. Johnson, and D. R. Meldrum, "Diaphragm Pico-liter Pump for Single-cell Manipulation," Biomedical Microdevices.
img-2009-M. Holl, D. Meldrum, Y. Anis, S. Ashili, J. Houkal, R. Johnson, L. Kelbauskas, Y. Li, S. Merza, V. Nandakumar, D. Smith, C. Young, X. Tian, H. Zhu, J. Chao, " Integrated, Automated System for the Study of Cell and Tissue Function," WO Patent WO/2010/022,391.
img-2009-Y. H. Anis, M. R. Holl, and D. R. Meldrum, "Automated Selection and Placement of Single Cells Using Vision-Based Feedback Controls," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2009.2035709.
img-2008-Y.H. Anis, J.K. Mills, and W.L. Cleghorn, "Visual-servoing of a six-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator for automated microassembly task execution," Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, vol. 7, 033017, 2008.
img-2008-Y. H. Anis, M. R. Holl, and D. R. Meldrum, "Automated vision-based selection and placement of single cells in microwell array formats," IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 315-320, 2008.
img-2007-Y.H. Anis, J.K. Mills and W.L. Cleghorn, " Automated Microassembly Task Execution Using Vision-Based Feedback Control," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition}, pp. 476- 481, 2007.
img-2006-S.A. Kassem, and Y.H. Anis, "Modeling and Simulation of Hydromechanically Constant Power Controlled Swash Plate Pumps,"‌ ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Nov 5-11, 2006, Chicago, IL.
img-2006-Y.H. Anis, J.K. Mills, and W.L. Cleghorn, "Vision-based measurement of microassembly forces,"‌ Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.16, No.8, pp.1639-1652, August 2006.
img-2006-Y.H. Anis, J.K. Mills, and W.L. Cleghorn, "Measurement of MEMS Microassembly Forces Using Computer Vision,"‌ IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 15-19, 2006, Orlando, FL.
img-2006-Y.H. Anis, J.K. Mills, and W.L. Cleghorn, "Zero-crossing Edge Detection for Visual Force Measurement in Assembly of MEMS Devices,"‌ SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication, Photonics West 2004, Jan 24-27, 2006, San Jose, CA.
Patents :
img-2010-Y. Anis, J. Houkal, M. Holl, R. Johnson, D. Meldrum, " PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATED MICROPUMP," U.S. Provisional Patent Application M10-027L (22193-0069P01).