Professor/أستاذ:Heba Allah Esam E. Khalil
Architectural Engineering
Email : | hebatallah.khalil***gmail.com |
Home Page : | http://scholar.cu.edu.eg/hebakhalil |
Home Page2 : | http://staff.eng.cu.edu.eg/hebakhalil |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (2000) "Architectural Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (2003) "Characteristics Of The Community: An Approach To Comparison Of Community Development In Urban And Rural Areas" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (2007) "Community Development In Informal Areas: Defining Effective Development Units And Participatory Evaluation Methods" Cairo University (Egypt) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Community Development |
| Sustainable Urbanism |
| Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning |
| Urban Design |
| Integrated Urban Systems |
| Urban Metabolism |
Recent Publications : |
| -2016-Attia, S., Shafik, Z., El Halafawy, A. and Khalil, H., Urban Regeneration of Public Space - Al-Alfi Street - Downtown Cairo, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, WIT. |
| -2015-Attia, S. and Khalil, H., Urban Metabolism and Quality of Life in Informal Areas in M. Schrenk, V. V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, C. Beyer, eds., Proceedings REAL CORP 2015: Plan Together – Right Now – Overall, 5-7 May, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 661-674 |
| -2015-Khalil, H. & Ron, D., Citizen-led Mapping of Urban Metabolism in Cairo. UCCRN´s Case Study Docking Station (CSDS), ARC3-2 report. UCCRN Urban Climate Change Research Network, Earth Institute, Colombia University. |
| -2014-Nasr ElDin, R., Khalil, H. and Kamel, R., Residential Mobility in Egypt, A Must or A Myth?, 6th International Conference ARCHCAIRO, Responsive Urbanism In Informal Areas: Towards A Regional Agenda For Habitat III, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -2014-Khalil, H., How Can Women Access Land, In “Land Tools To Increase Tenure Security For Women In The Muslim World”, Global Land Tool Network GLTN, UN-Habitat, University of East London, Urban Training and Studies Institute UTI and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), document under publication, UN-Habitat. |
| -2014-Nasr ElDin, R., Khalil, H. and Kamel, R., Monitoring and Evaluating the Rental Housing Market in Egypt, Arabic paper, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Engineering in Mataria, Helwan University, Vol. 144, September 2014 |
| -2014-Khalil, H., Quality Of Life & Energy Policy in Informal Areas and Their Resilience in The Face of The Challenges of Climate Change, ACEE- Air Conditioning and Energy Efficiency, 26-27 May 2014, Doha, Qatar. |
| -2012-Khalil; H., Affordable Housing: Quantifying The Concept in The Egyptian Context, JEAS, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 59, No. 2, April 2012, pp. 129-148 |
| -2012-Khalil; H., Enhancing Quality Of Life Through Strategic Urban Planning, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 5, December 2012, pp.77-86. |
| -2012-Khalil, H., Sustainable Urbanism: Theories and Green Rating Systems, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 30 July–1 August 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA, paper No. AIAA 2012-4248. |
| -2012-Khalil; H., Towards A Unified Definition Of Informal Areas In The Arab Region, Quality Of Life: A Vision Towards Better Future, 2nd International Conference, Architecture Department, Faculty Of Engineering, MTI University, Cairo, Egypt |
| -2010-Khalil, H., New Urbanism, Smart Growth And Informal Areas: A Quest For Sustainability, In Steffen Lehmann, Husam AlWaer, and Jamal Al-Qawasmi, eds., Sustainable Architecture & Urban Development, CSAAR, Amman, pp. 137–156. |
| -2010-Khalil; H., GOPP And Arab League, The Comparative Study Of Informal Housing Concept, Arab League, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -2009-Khalil, H., Energy Efficiency Strategies In Urban Planning Of Cities, 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 7th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 2–5 August 2009, Denver, Co, USA, paper No. AIAA 2009-4622. |
| -2007-Khalil; H., Community Development In Informal Areas: Defining Effective Development Units And Participatory Evaluation Methods, PhD Thesis, Cairo University, Egypt. |
| -2006-Khalil; H., "Applying Participatory Design Methodology In Informal Areas", Appropriating Architecture, Taming Urbanism In The Decades Of Transformation, 3rd International Conference ARCHCAIRO, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -2003-Khalil; H., Characteristics Of The Community: An Approach To Comparison Of Community Development In Urban And Rural Areas, MSc. Thesis, Cairo University, Egypt. |
Recent Projects : | | -2016-Strategies of climate adaptation and resource efficiency for densely populated urban neighbourhoods (Central Europe and North Africa) between Master degree course “Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning” (REAP) at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU), Germany, and the MSc, PhD degree courses, Architectural Engineering at Cairo University (CU), Egypt. | | -2016-Joint Research/ Activities between MIT, USA and CUFE, Egypt titled: “Safe and Sound: A collaborative exploration of Urban Displacement in Egypt | | -2014-2016-"Improving Environmental Performance in Informal Areas and Reducing Urban Heat Islands Phenomenon”, Joint STDF (Egypt) and German fund GERF, between Cairo University and GLOBUS, International Academy at Berlin Freie University. | | -2014-2015-EcoCitizen World Map Project, Joint research project with UC Berkley, Ecocity Builders NGO, USA and Mundiapolis University, Morocco. | | -2013-2015-Regenerating Urban Spaces in Central Cairo, Joint STDF (Egypt) and IRD (France) fund. | | -2013-2015-Urban Regeneration of Deteriorated Areas, joint program between Cairo University and TU Berlin. |
Recent Books : | | -2016-Nasr ElDin, R., Khalil, H. and Kamel, R. (2016) Residential Mobility in Egypt; a Must or a Myth, in S. Attia, S. Shabka, Z. Shafik and A. Ibrahim, eds, Dynamics and Resilience of Informal Areas: International Perspectives, Springer | | -2015-Khalil, H. and Khalil, E.E., Energy Efficiency in the Urban Environment, CRC press, Taylor and Francis |
Conferences : | | -2016-Strategies of climate adaptation and resource efficiency for densely populated urban neighbourhoods (Central Europe and North Africa), Hamburg project seminar, organised by HafenCity University, Hamburg, Research group REAP and Cairo University, Department of Architectural Engineering, 17-23 April, 2016, Hamburg, Germany. | | -2016-DAAD Science tour 2016: City of the Future- Research for Sustainable Urban Development, 31 January to 6 February 2016, Germany | | -2015-First Arab Ministerial Forum for Housing and Urban Development, Cairo, Egypt – 20 to 22 December 2015 | | -2015-Ecocity World Summit 2015, Abu Dhabi | | -2015-Eye on Earth Summit 2015, Abu Dhabi | | -2015-Resources and Urban Africa workshop, MIT and Centre of Sustainability, Stellenbosch University, 17-18 June 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa | | -2015-Egypt Urban Forum, 14-16 June 2015, Cairo, Egypt | | -2015-REAL CORP 2015: Plan Together – Right Now – Overall, 5-7 May 2015, Ghent, Belgium | | -2015-IWa Tec 3rd Winter School, Sustainable Use of Resources – Water and Energy for Egypt, 21st of February – 1st of March, 2015, El Gouna, Egypt | | -2014-Arab Forum on Sustainable Communities & Green Building, GBC, UN- Habitat, 8th – 10th December, 2014, Cairo, Egypt | | -2014-ArchCairo 2014: Responsive Urbanism in Informal Areas: Towards a Regional Agenda for Habitat III, Cairo University and UN-Habitat, 25th – 27th November, Cairo, Egypt | | -2014-International Conference on Transformation in Higher Education in Egypt PartNar: Towards Participatory and Interdisciplinary Learning, Ain-Shams University and Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 16th & 17th November 2014, Cairo, Egypt | | -2014-GeoInformation for Sustainable Urban Management and Resilience (GeoSUMR), Association of American Geographers, the U.S. Department of State, Esri, Trimble Navigation Ltd., Ecocity Builders, University of Mundiapolis and Cairo University, 13th – 17th October, 2014, Casablanca, Morocco | | -2014- Researcher Link Workshop on Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in Urban Areas in Hot Arid Climates, The British Council and the Egypt Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Researcher Links Scheme, 17th – 19th April 2014, Aswan, Egypt | | -2014-Researcher Link Workshop on Solar and Wind Energy Systems, The British Council and the Egypt Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Researcher Links Scheme, 31st March – 3rd April 2014, The University of Nottingham, UK | | -2014-Joint Workshop: Unplanned Areas in Cairo; Deterioration, Regeneration, Participatory Urban Regeneration Programme, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Department and TU Berlin, 8-13 March 2014, Cairo, Egypt | | -2014-Quality Of Life & Energy Policy in Informal Areas and Their Resilience in The Face of The Challenges of Climate Change | | -2013-Innovative Energy Policies for a Sustainable Future, TWAS Science and Diplomacy Workshop, 9-13 December 2013, Trieste, Italy | | -2013-Mapping Bottom-up Neighbourhood Regeneration, Berlin 1-7 December 2013, Participatory Urban Regeneration Programme, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany | | -2013-Joint Architectural Design Workshop with BTU Cottbus, Berlin Block, 26.11. - 03.12.2013, Berlin and Cottbus, Germany | | -2013-SB13 Sustainable Building Conference, 6-7 November 2013, Cairo, Egypt | | -2013-Ecocity World Summit 2013, Nantes, France |
Membership in Scientific Societies : | | --Egyptian Engineers Syndicate | | --Advisory Board on Climate Change in Cities, AB-CCC, Ministry of Environment, Egypt | | --African Urban Metabolism Network (with MIT & Stellenbosch University) | | --Informal Hub, Habitat Partnership with Universities Initiative Habitat UNI | | --Climate change hub, Habitat UNI |
Editor/Reviewer : | | -2016-Journal of Industrial Ecology, John Wiley & Sons | | -2015-Ecocity World Summit, Abu Dhabi 2015 | | -2014-2016-Cities, The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Elsevier | | -2014-ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2014 November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada |